About TV Playlists

Every TV you create has what we call a Playlist. Similar to a music player, the TV's Playlist gives a list of things that will be shown on the TV, one after another. When the end of the playlist is reached, the TV will loop back and start again.

For most Taplist.io customers, each TV will have just a single item in its playlist: the menu to show on that TV. This is the most common setup.

However, there are situations when you may want to add additional items to your playlist.

Examples of using playlists with more than one item

Some advance uses of multi-item playlists are:

You can add and remove items from a TV's playlist at any time. Keep in mind that when you change your playlist, your TVs will immediately be updated to match the new configuration.

If you remove all items from the playlist, a default "Empty playlist" message will be shown on the TV.

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