Cancel your subscription

We strongly believe all companies should make it as easy to cancel as it is to sign up. And while we never like to lose a customer, when it's time to go, we'll make it as painless as we can.

How to cancel your subscription

  1. Log in to your account and visit the Plan page.
  2. In the Current Plan section, click "Cancel plan".
  3. You'll be prompted to confirm, and the cancellation will be scheduled.

That's it! You'll receive an e-mail confirmation once your account is cancelled.

When does cancellation take effect?

You account will be automatically closed when your current billing period ends. subscriptions are billed up front: For example, if your account renews on June 3 for $29 a month, you'll be charged on that date for June 3 through July 2.

Because of this, when you cancel your account, you will likely have a bit of time left on your plan. Your service will continue uninterrupted until the end of this period, at which point your account will be automatically closed.

Other cancellation-related questions

If you have other questions related to cancellation, please reach out to support. We pride ourselves on a high customer satisfaction rate and low number of cancellations; we'll help get you sorted.

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